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One Piece: Manga Y Anime {{Continuación 2016/01/07}}

Te quiero ver Mr.3. :daleoh:

:idolo:Tener a Zoro pal pico pensando en cortarse las piernas para salir con vida.

:monomeon:Estar pa los mandados de Buggy nivel Alvida.
Oda ya anda tanteando el terreno.
Se viene... :menanihands:


:idolo: GOD USSOP :naster:

Ahora están pasando los cap de Dressrosa en ETC y van en la apoteosis de Ussop :lol3:
Ese tal Oda juega con todos ustedes, ilusos.

Este anime no tiene pies ni cabeza. Terminará en un final penca y tendrán que meterse todas sus “teorías” en el ojete.
A vo si te la tiene bien metida ODA que cada 2 semanas escribes mensaje similares :lol2: Jurai que estas en tiktok que con esos mensajes se prenden los pendejos de 12 años :lol2:

pd: los únicos que ven OP por el final son trapos venecos que quieren todo en 45 segundos :cafe3:
Chapter is 13 pages long (From Scotch Informer)

More details of the chapter by redon. Very short chapter of 13 pages.

  • Chapter 1,119: "Emeth" ("IX" in japanese).
  • Ogre Child Yamato's Golden Harvest Surrogate Pilgrimage, Vol. 9: "Kids who hate Kaidou throw a rock at Yamato's head while is traveling to Kibi".
  • Chapter starts inside Egghead laboratory, Kaku has been released from the bubble by Stussy. But Kaku is angry with Stussy for the last words Edison told her.
Kaku: "Friends!? Don't make me laugh!!"
  • Kaku tells Stussy to go away before Lucci arrives where they are now (we don't see Lucci in this chapter). However we can see Kaku's face while he talks, and he is holding back tears.
  • Cut to Egghead shore. Giants are cheering for Luffy and Bonney. Mars talks with them.
Giants: "Nika~~~"
Mars: "2 Nikas? That is merely a fake transformation thanks to "Toshi Toshi no Mi" power...!! Don't get ahead of yourself!!!"
  • Mars attacks Elbaf ship with another fire blast from his mouth. Luffy transforms into gigantic balloon to block the fire. Luffy shouts in pain but he manages to hold the fire back and protects the ship.
  • Luffy then stretches his arms and grabs both of Mars' wings. Then he talks with Sanji and the others.
Luffy: "These monsters can recover no matter what we do...!! So the only way we have to take care of them is to blow them away as far as possible!!"
  • Then Luffy asks Bonney, Sanji and Franky to attack his balloon body with everything they have. Bonney is shocked but all of them follow Luffy's plan.
Sanji: "Ifrit Jambe: Hell Memories!!
Franky: "Strong Impact Right!!
Bonney: "Tokudai: Nika no Punch!! (Extra-large: Nika Punch)
  • Bonney, Sanji and Franky combined attacks hit Luffy's back. Luffy shouts it hurts because they used Haki. Then Luffy makes his body even bigger and pushes Mars towards his giant belly.
Luffy: "Gomu Gomu no Dawn Balloon!!! (Gum-Gum White Balloon - AODE)"
  • Luffy combines Bonney, Sanji and Franky attacks with his own strength and blows Mars away across the ocean (we can see a flash in the sky where Mars disappears, like when Team Rocket is defeated in Pokémon Anime lol).
  • After pushing Mars away, Elbaf ship is ready to set sail. Luffy asks where is Usopp and the others, Sanji says they're late (we don't see Nami group, Zoro, Jinbe or Nusjuro in this chapter).
  • Atlas tells Sanji and the others that they need to go and do something first. Then she tells Lilith in her head that York is able to track their movements now. Atlas is about to say what they must do, but scene changes. Cut to underwater, the Ancient Giant Robot gets up and the "Transmission Den Den Mushi" inside it wakes up too.
  • Vegapunk message resumes and we can hear some of his words, but there are little interruptions in the transmission.
Vegapunk: "... the thing that was inherited... can be called a will... I hope this message will reach... those who are swayed by the cause..."
  • We can see more reactions around the world when people see Vegapunk appears again in the screens.
  • In Whole Cake Island we see Katakuri, Moscato, Brownie, and Zuccotto wondering what is he talking about now. Vivi and Morgans are in shock again seeing the transmission is back.
  • And FINALLY we can see Gaimon and Sarfunkel reaction to Vegapunk's message... but since they don't have any Den Den Mushi they are not aware of the worldwide broadcast.
  • Back to Egghead Island. York tells Five Elders that the "Transmission Den Den Mushi" uses separate circuits for "transmission" and "memory storage". So the only way to permanently stop the broadcast is to destroy it completely.
  • Ju Peter spits out the Cypher Pol agents and Seraphims onto the Marine battleships. Then Ju Peter starts sucking back Elbaf ship. Luffy jumps back to the shore and punches Ju Peter's face to stop him. But while Luffy is punching Ju Peter, Warcury runs past him and jumps to the Elbaf ship. Warcury is about to crash into it.
Luffy: "Oh no!! The boar is coming!! Be careful!!! That guy's head is super hard!!!"
Brogy: "That guy looks like trouble!! Let's move or he will break our ship in pieces!!!"
  • We can see that Bonney turned back into kid after "Extra-large: Nika Punch" she used.
Sanji: "Bonney-chan!!"
Bonney: "I can't do this anymore... Freedom is so exhausting..."
  • Luffy notices something coming underwater. It's the Ancient Giant Robot, that remembers Joy Boy voice from the past (we can't see Joy Boy yet).
Ancient Giant Robot: "Joy Boy..."
  • Suddenly, in the final double page of the chapter, the Ancient Giant Robot rises out from the sea and punches Warcury's face, breaking one of his giant fangs.
** Joy Boy**: "Listen Emeth... When the time come, you must..."
Emeth: "The time?"
  • Everyone is shocked. Dorry and Brogy eyes pop out of their sockets. Luffy's eyes become sparkling.
Dorry & Brogy: "What the hell is this guy~~~~~~!!!"
Luffy: "Robot~~~~~~!!!"
  • Editor's message: ""Romance" on the move once more!!"
End of chapter.

BREAK next week. One Piece will return in Weekly Shonen Jump #33/2024 (on sale 16 July)

Vamos a estar 2 semanas sin manga. FlojOda :nunu:
Chapter is 13 pages long (From Scotch Informer)

More details of the chapter by redon. Very short chapter of 13 pages.

  • Chapter 1,119: "Emeth" ("IX" in japanese).
  • Ogre Child Yamato's Golden Harvest Surrogate Pilgrimage, Vol. 9: "Kids who hate Kaidou throw a rock at Yamato's head while is traveling to Kibi".
  • Chapter starts inside Egghead laboratory, Kaku has been released from the bubble by Stussy. But Kaku is angry with Stussy for the last words Edison told her.

  • Kaku tells Stussy to go away before Lucci arrives where they are now (we don't see Lucci in this chapter). However we can see Kaku's face while he talks, and he is holding back tears.
  • Cut to Egghead shore. Giants are cheering for Luffy and Bonney. Mars talks with them.

  • Mars attacks Elbaf ship with another fire blast from his mouth. Luffy transforms into gigantic balloon to block the fire. Luffy shouts in pain but he manages to hold the fire back and protects the ship.
  • Luffy then stretches his arms and grabs both of Mars' wings. Then he talks with Sanji and the others.

  • Then Luffy asks Bonney, Sanji and Franky to attack his balloon body with everything they have. Bonney is shocked but all of them follow Luffy's plan.

  • Bonney, Sanji and Franky combined attacks hit Luffy's back. Luffy shouts it hurts because they used Haki. Then Luffy makes his body even bigger and pushes Mars towards his giant belly.

  • Luffy combines Bonney, Sanji and Franky attacks with his own strength and blows Mars away across the ocean (we can see a flash in the sky where Mars disappears, like when Team Rocket is defeated in Pokémon Anime lol).
  • After pushing Mars away, Elbaf ship is ready to set sail. Luffy asks where is Usopp and the others, Sanji says they're late (we don't see Nami group, Zoro, Jinbe or Nusjuro in this chapter).
  • Atlas tells Sanji and the others that they need to go and do something first. Then she tells Lilith in her head that York is able to track their movements now. Atlas is about to say what they must do, but scene changes. Cut to underwater, the Ancient Giant Robot gets up and the "Transmission Den Den Mushi" inside it wakes up too.
  • Vegapunk message resumes and we can hear some of his words, but there are little interruptions in the transmission.

  • We can see more reactions around the world when people see Vegapunk appears again in the screens.
  • In Whole Cake Island we see Katakuri, Moscato, Brownie, and Zuccotto wondering what is he talking about now. Vivi and Morgans are in shock again seeing the transmission is back.
  • And FINALLY we can see Gaimon and Sarfunkel reaction to Vegapunk's message... but since they don't have any Den Den Mushi they are not aware of the worldwide broadcast.
  • Back to Egghead Island. York tells Five Elders that the "Transmission Den Den Mushi" uses separate circuits for "transmission" and "memory storage". So the only way to permanently stop the broadcast is to destroy it completely.
  • Ju Peter spits out the Cypher Pol agents and Seraphims onto the Marine battleships. Then Ju Peter starts sucking back Elbaf ship. Luffy jumps back to the shore and punches Ju Peter's face to stop him. But while Luffy is punching Ju Peter, Warcury runs past him and jumps to the Elbaf ship. Warcury is about to crash into it.

  • We can see that Bonney turned back into kid after "Extra-large: Nika Punch" she used.

  • Luffy notices something coming underwater. It's the Ancient Giant Robot, that remembers Joy Boy voice from the past (we can't see Joy Boy yet).

  • Suddenly, in the final double page of the chapter, the Ancient Giant Robot rises out from the sea and punches Warcury's face, breaking one of his giant fangs.

  • Everyone is shocked. Dorry and Brogy eyes pop out of their sockets. Luffy's eyes become sparkling.

  • Editor's message: ""Romance" on the move once more!!"
End of chapter.

BREAK next week. One Piece will return in Weekly Shonen Jump #33/2024 (on sale 16 July)

Vamos a estar 2 semanas sin manga. FlojOda :nunu:
Es solo una semana, los spoilers salen varios días antes de la fecha de publicación física de la jump (deberíamos tener spoilers el 9-10 de julio).
La raja el capítulo.

Más info a medias por la ctm:lol3:

A lo mejor es obvio lo que estoy diciendo, pero todo parece indicar que "Joyboy" sería el equivalente a "Mugiwara", un apodo de pirata no más. Me da risa que nadie se haga estas preguntas con anterioridad cuando parecen ser tan lógicas una vez mencionadas.